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Jeju's Green Hydrogen Ecosystem Collaborates with Chinese Companies for Net Zero
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½ÂÀÎ 2024.06.11  17:48:45
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Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, which has established a green hydrogen ecosystem, recently decided to collaborate with advanced Chinese companies that have successfully globalized to achieve net zero.

Governor Oh Young-hun and the Jeju delegation visited "Shenzhen State Fuel Cell Corporation" and "TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology" in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, and "WeRide" in Guangzhou from the 10th to the 11th of last month to discuss cooperation on the dissemination and utilization of renewable energy, attracting R&D centers and MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions) events to Jeju, and the early introduction of fully autonomous driving.

On the first day, Governor Oh and the Jeju delegation held a meeting with executives and inspected the R&D center at Shenzhen State Fuel Cell Corporation, a hydrogen fuel cell production company.

Shenzhen State Fuel Cell Corporation, founded in 2016, is a startup developing hydrogen fuel cells for vehicles, leading the distribution of various hydrogen mobility solutions such as hydrogen buses, hydrogen trucks, hydrogen forklifts, and hydrogen tractors. They are also conducting development and demonstration projects for auxiliary fuel for UAM (Urban Air Mobility) and satellites.

Governor Oh stated, "Jeju, which produces green hydrogen and operates hydrogen buses, plans to introduce hydrogen trams in the future and convert all energy sources to renewable energy and green hydrogen. Cooperation with domestic private companies is also possible in the fields of hydrogen fuel cells, UAM, and the space industry that Jeju is pursuing."

Lee Seo-woo, CEO of Shenzhen State Fuel Cell Corporation, explained, "Countries are developing fuel cells to solve UAM issues such as short flight time and battery weight, but they are facing difficulties. We have succeeded in applying fuel cells with high power efficiency, reducing the operating temperature from 800-1000 degrees to 100 degrees, and shrinking the size to the level of internal combustion engines."

In the afternoon, the delegation visited TCL's headquarters and held a meeting with executives. During the meeting, they proposed the establishment of an R&D center in Jeju and the hosting of MICE events in Jeju, including workshops, by utilizing the direct flight route between Jeju and Shenzhen.

TCL, specializing in semiconductors and displays, is the world's second-largest manufacturer of large TVs. With 43 R&D centers, 32 production bases, and over 130,000 employees, TCL is considered one of the most successful globalized companies in China.

Previously, on the 9th of last month, the Jeju delegation visited and experienced driverless taxis. On the morning of the 11th, they visited WeRide, which has successfully commercialized not only robotaxis but also robo-cleaning vehicles, robo-buses, and robo-vans. After a 10km test ride on an unmanned bus, they discussed plans to introduce fully autonomous vehicles to Jeju.

WeRide, which started its autonomous driving business in 2019 and currently operates 760 vehicles, including robotaxis and robo-buses, is the only company in the world with autonomous driving permits in China, the US, UAE, and Singapore. They are conducting demonstration projects through subsidiaries in 30 cities across seven countries.

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