[This article is written by a JDC Junior Journalist. The JDC Junior Journalist program is an educational project sponsored by Jeju Free International City Development Center (JDC). JDC Junior Journalist articles are only briefly edited by mentors before publishing.]
On May 3th 2014, the JDC Junior Jounalists went to Samseonghyul on assignment for the Jeju Weekly. In the Samseonghyul, there were a few tourists milling about the many trees. They were usually with co-workers, family or friends.
First, we walked and we met Jwa chang-yup said, “The air and trees are very fresh. When I in the Samseonghyul, I suddenly felt good.”
Also, the JDC Junior Jounalists learned about the Samseonhyul’s history.
Follow the history, Samseonghyul has 3 holes. The 3 gods nativitied in these 3 holes, and married with each princess.
Then, we went to a pavilion next to theater and interveiwed Park jeong-hee from Daejeon. She said, “When I saw the Samsoneghyul’s history, I knew the a historical fact. So I’m glad about that.”
Next, we went out to a pavilion and met Ms. Cho and Park. They said, “We came here because Samseonghyul is near our hotel. This Samseonghyul is very fresh.”
We walked along the path until we met a woman nicknamed “Beauty Lady” from Seoul.
She said “Samseonhyul has great trees like an arboretum and fresh air. That’s the biggest advantage here.”
Lastly, we went to theater again and interviewed worker. She said, “My favorite place in Samseonhyul is Samseonghyul and Samseongjeon.” The Samseongjeon is the place where we watched the video and exhibits.
Jeju island has many famous and great places in other else. Visit many great and famous places and enjoy Jeju island. Have a nice day in Jeju island! |